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An audience with Tabaash

For over 30 years Blair Styra has been the channel for the remarkable entity known as Tabaash. Based in New Zealand they presented a radio program, spoke at many events around the country and over the last 15 years took the message globally.

Tabaash says our message to the world is our life and as we involve ourselves more in our development we “evolve” our abilities to be more conscious that life is not something happening to us but more is happening because of us.

Dolores Cannon called Tabaash the real deal after having her own personal sessions with Tabaash. For many years Blair/Tabaash were key speakers at her Transformation Conferences and also they toured together in the US co-presenting. Blair hosted Dolores in New Zealand and a great friendship developed. Blair’s books are published through Dolores’s company Ozark Mountain Publishers.

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